di sekolah ini juga, menggunakan sistem "full day school" yang di mulai dari senin-jumat , pukul 08.30 sampai 15.30.
be an assistant teacher |
Teaching Assistant
Senin pagi itu matahari cukup
terik. Ini minggu Ke dua. Sesuai agenda di minggu ini kita harus menjadi
asisten dari guru pendamping. Dan ternyata guru pamong saya sedang tidak ada
jadwal mengajar pagi itu. Saya hanya melanjutkan observasi dari minggu sebelumnya . masuk ke random
kelas. Dan berhenti pada pratom 2 (setara kelas 2 SD). Itu pun atas permintaan
guru mata pelajaran science di kelas
itu. Saya bertugas sebagai operator yang menjalakan software pada konputer yang
menjadi media pembelajarannya. Cukup
seru. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang di tampilkan dari media pembelajaran
tersebut. Dan saya akan meng-klik bagian yang menentukan apakah jawaban mereka
benar atau tidak. Jika ada kelompok yang menjawab dengan benar akan di beri
poin 100.
Host Family
Jumat lalu, kami ber empat, sudah
diberi tahu bahwa kami akan tinggal 2 minggu selanjutnya di host family. Salah satu di antara kami
seorang kristiani, dan akan menginap selama 2 minggu di rumah salah satu guru
pamong. Kami memanggil nya Techer Kung. Sedangkan kami bertiga, belum tau
tinggal dengan siapa. Kami hanya diberi informasi bahwa akan tinggal di rumah
seorang guru juga yang muslim tapi beliau tidak mengajar di sekolah tempat kami
praktek. Kami sudah mempacking pakaian dan barang-barang sama seperti pertama
kali kami akan berangkat ke thailand. Koper dan tas tas penuh yang siap di
angkut ke “kampung muslim” tempat tinggal teacher Syarif. Ya, dari namanya saja
beliau sudah terdengar nama seorang muslim. Sore itu teacher syarif menjemput
kami di sekolah. Barang di angkut satu persatu ke dalam mobilnya. Harap harap
cemas merasuki perasaan kami. Tempat seperti apa yang akan kami tinggali.
Bagaimana kami akan mengawali penyeseuaian diri terhadap lingkungan yang lebih
baru ini. Cukup jauh dari rumah kami yang pertama. Hingga kami masuk di
pedesaan yang bernuansa islami.. dan akhirnya saya mendengar suara adzan untuk
pertama kali setelah seminggu.
Setelah menjemput anaknya yang
masih berusia 1 tahun di rumah neneknya itu, dan singgah di pasar tradisional
muslim. Akhirnya kami sampai di rumahnya. Kesan pertama “speechless” jarak
antara rumah yang satu dengan yang lainnya cukup jauh. Bahkan sangat jauh. Pekarangan
rumahnya sangat luas. Teacher syarif juga memiliki ternak kerbau dan kambing,
di belakang bangunan tempat kami tidur terdapat per sawahan milik beliau juga.
Pemandangannya cukup menyejukkan persis pedesaan khas Indonesia. Sawah, kebun,
dan pepohonan rindang. Sayangnya.. semakin malam di luar pekarangan tempat kami
tinggal cukup gelap. Apalagi kami bertiga tinggal di bangunan yang berbeda
dengan tuan rumah. Agak sedikit horror rasanya. Meski merasa tidak enak hati,
malam itu rasanya penuh drama. Semakin
membuat perasaan rindu akan kampung halaman tak terbendung lagi. Dan keputusan
akhir kami akan kembali ke rumah yang sebelumnya. Dan tidak akan pindah tempat
tinggal lagi. Maaf kan kami teacher syarif.
Rumah Teacher Syarif , bangunan yang bagian kami tinggali |
Persiapan mengajar
Minggu depan sudah waktunya
giliran kami mengajar. Dan saya mendapat jadwal di hari kedua. Cukup
menegangkan. Apalagi saya lebih sering menghadapi siswa tingkat menengah. Sudah
lama rasanya tidak mengajar tingkat dasar. Rencana pembelajaran ku pun, di
revisi berulang kali. Menyesuaikan rencana pembelajaran yang ada di sekolah
tersebut. Dan saya akan mengajar mata pelajaran science di pratom 5 (kelas 5
Sekolah Dasar). Dengan materi siklus air untuk pertemuan pertama dan pertemuan
selanjutnya mengenai awan dan fenomenal alam.
one week passes. observed this school which turned out to be large enough for elementary school size and kindergartens. with facilities equipped with scientific and language laboratories. fitness room, library, art room, teacher room, foreign teacher room, cafeteria, teaching room. so cool. This school uses an "active board" whiteboard touch screen connected to the projector. when our observations taught, we were trying to learn how to use it.
for 1 hour lessons takes about 60 minutes and instantly switches to other subjects.
in this school also, using a system of "full day school" which starts from Monday-Friday, 08:30 to 15:30.
teaching Assistant
Monday morning t. All this the
second week. The agenda at this week we have to become assistant teachers. And
it turns out my tutor teacher don’t have schedule for teaching that morning. I
just went on observations from the previous week. entered into a random class.
And stop at pratom 2 (equivalent to grade 2 SD). It was at the request of
teachers of science subjects in the class. I served as an operator who run the
software on the computer is the medium of learning. Quite exciting. Students
answer questions in the show of the learning media. And I'm going to click
section that determines whether their answers are correct or not. If there are
groups who answer correctly will be given 100 points.
host Family
Last Friday, all of us, had been
told that we would stay the next 2 weeks in host family. One of us a Christian,
and will stay for two weeks in the house of one teacher tutors. We call it techer Kung. While the three of us, do
not know with whom to stay. We have just been informed that it will stay in the
home of a teacher is also a Muslim but he did not teach in the school where we
practice. We've packed clothes and items the same as the first time we will go
to thailand. Suitcases and bags full ready in transport to "Muslim
village" Sharif teacher residence. Yes, of course he had heard the name of
a Muslim name. That afternoon syarif teacher picked us up at school. Our luggage
transported one by one into his car. Please anxiously permeate our feelings.
The place looks like what would we live. HOW we will start adaptation ourselves
to this new environment. Quite far from our house first. Until we get in rural
nuanced Islamic .. and finally I heard the call to prayer (adzan) for the first
time after a week.
After picking up his son
1-year-old at his grandmother's house, and stopped at a traditional Muslim
markets. Finally we arrived at him house. First impressions
"speechless" the distance between the houses from one another far
enough. Even long. His yard is very spacious. Teacher syarif also owns a herd
of buffalo and goats, at the back of the building where we slept there field
belong to him as well. The scenery is quite soothing exactly typical rural
Indonesia. Fields, gardens and shade trees. Unfortunately .. more nights
outside the yard where we were staying was quite dark. Moreover, the three of
us stayed in a different building with the host. Quite a bit of horror taste.
Although feel bad, it was great night full of drama. Increasingly making sense
of longing for home unstoppable again. And the final decision we will go back
to the house before. And it will not move to another place again. We are very
sorry teacher syarif for make you feel bad
preparation of teaching
Next week it's time for our turn
to teach. And I got the schedule for the second day. Quite stressful. Moreover,
I often face the intermediate level students. Already a long time it did not
teach the basic level. My lesson plan was, in the revised repeatedly. Customize
lesson plans that exist at the school. And I will teach science subjects in
pratom 5 (grade 5 elementary school). With the material of the water cycle for
the first meeting and the next meeting of the cloud and phenomenal nature.